Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ethics and Law

1. If you are to become a part of the VSU team who will formulate a handbook like that of Virginia University, give at least 2 policies that you want to be implemented in VSU or even just for CS students like you, regarding computing . Also include sanction or sort of punishment to those who will violate the said policy.

If I will become a part of the VSU team, I will formulate policies in the VSU specifically for the Computer Science students like me. The Policies that I will implement are:

• Proper use of Our Computing Resources. Every student that uses the school facilities or resources specifically computers, during laboratory should use it in regards to the subject matter. Other works out of it, like surfing websites or accessing some applications that are very unpleasant are seriously restricted.

• Prohibition of File-sharing. File-sharing is the process of exchanging files over the Internet. The most common forms of file-sharing are: running an FTP server or using an FTP program, utilizing Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Peer-to-Peer programs typically share files by default, to allow the maximum amount of sharing across the network.

These policies are very important especially for students not to exercise the misuse of the resources especially owned by the school. An action that has been done continually may turn into a habit that is hard to stop. So any misuse and abuses of the University facilities and will violate the policy will be subject to full disciplinary action within the University Judicial System and could never again use the school’s resources, and if so maybe lead to suspension. Students are expected to be responsible in using the school facilities, resources of computing to avoid such punishment.

2. According to the definition of ethics, it can be connected to the norms or custom of the society. What could be ethical to one could be unethical to another. If this is the case, in which ethics seem to be subjective in nature, why is there a need to study computer ethics at all? Support your opinion with facts.

There is a need to study computer ethics for it helps the behavior and conducts of the people dealing to anybody with the right norms considering morality. Ethics is a set of rules in distinguishing between right and wrong, it could also be a code of professional conduct, or norms of conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Although most people acquire their sense of right and wrong during childhood, moral development occurs throughout life and human beings pass through different stages of growth as they mature. We should study computer ethics because doing it will make us behave like a responsible individual. The study of computer ethics has different areas where it could be considered applicable. One factor is the computer which is used for litany of things today which used your identification, passwords, banking information, etc. which is a non-good practice for each and everyone. Although most societies use laws to enforce widely accepted moral standards and ethical and legal rules use similar concepts, it is important to remember that ethics and law are not the same. An action may be legal but unethical or illegal but ethical.

3.There are 4 types of non-jural law. Divine, natural, moral and physical. If you are to practice just one type of the non-jural law for the entire existence of your life, what would it be and why?

The type of the non-jural law that I will practice for the entire existence of my life, is the moral law. This law refers to the rules of behavior of an individual or a group which may follow out of personal conscience and that are not necessarily part of legislated law, one action should be done accordingly and in a righteous way. I have chosen this kind of law because by practicing this, I may acquire the trust, respect, and love from the people that surrounds me. Immorality has a consequence after doing such a thing wherein a protected dignity, reputation, good morality and a clean conscience are one of the most important things one person can acquire wherein no one can eventually get it or take it away from you, because naturally it is in the inner part of us and it can only attain by being aware of the actions that I will be doing from time to time and each day of my life.

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