Sunday, December 30, 2012

Module 3 & 4

1. Try to look at your parents or your guardians. When can you say they are being egoistic? Altruistic. Give one scenario for each.
My parents are egoistic in terms of a parent and a son or daughter misunderstandings. My parents won’t allow us to talk back to them or controls them in their decisions for each one of us. They are being egoistic because they must have the power in everything for the family. Selfish enough for they won’t let us talk for ourselves because they consider it as an insult. Altruistic in terms of thinking the best that we can have, they gave what we need every day as a student and as their son and they disciplined us to become a better person someday, so that sooner if we will be in their place we would know the best for our future children.

2. If you are to assess yourself, what kind of a person are you? Are you an egoist, or an altruist? Discuss in relevance to your own experiences in computing.
For my own opinion I am an altruistic at the same time an egoistic because I sometimes think for my own self considering that I may hurt somebody. Egoistic to the point that I won’t let somebody borrow some stuffs I have refraining from lost or damages it take. I may be altruistic in terms of sharing to those that are in need, giving for what I have it may be a little but needed for them especially those that belongs to the below level class. I take chances to give what exactly I have now for some may not be lucky enough for having something like clothes, slippers and any kind that can be useful. Being an egoistic or altruistic must be balanced, for sometimes a person may be egoistic for a purpose and altruistic in the same manner.

3. As Aristotle says, “for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy.” … Discuss in relevance to your own experiences in computing
Happiness depends on us. Looking back for what I am now as a computer science student, I am not satisfied for being me as for my career its just because before, I consider the experience in myself as happiness if it is in good times even that time is not worth it to be happy and blessed, a short period of time of being so irresponsible in some cases and dependent to my classmate sometimes. I injure the outcome the years passed by for what I thought it was really the happiness in me, but I was wrong for I made the wrong move and decision which causes me to fail. We can gain happiness that can be hold for a period of time which came from a productive experience.

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